Blogposts and resources from the Phish Report team

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There's no honour among phishers: free phishing kits with hidden backdoors

Deploying a phishing website is rarely a highly technical task. For most brands, a phishing kit au...

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Evading security scanners with fake Cloudflare interstitials

For years phishing sites have been using services like Cloudflare to hide from security scanners, ...

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Phishing anti-analysis checks and how to bypass them

Anti-analysis checks are used by phishing sites to detect when they're being accessed by security ...

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RedLungfish: an organised phishing group targeting fintech customers

The Phish Report threats team have identified an organised threat actor (codenamed RedLungfish) wh...

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Writing an IOK rule for a WhatsApp phishing kit

Let's write an IOK signature for a WhatsApp phishing kit which targeted Chinese-speaking users for...

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How to harden your login page against cloning

Cloning a login page in order to make phishing sites takes only a few seconds. There's a good chan...

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How to find and download phishing kits

Phishing kits are generally sold on underground forums and can be tricky (at least ethically!) for...

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Why it's hard to identify who hosts a website

Who hosts that website? Seems a simple question, but it's very hard to consistently get the right ...

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Threat hunting for phishing sites with is an incredible tool for taking a snapshot of a phishing website...

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How the static site trend has affected phishing

The trend towards statically generated websites hasn't been limited to legitimate websites. Increa...

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A startup's guide to phishing and brand protection

As a startup, building and protecting your brand is essential to success. Unfortunately, cybercrim...

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Top 5 phishing detection APIs you can start using today

There's too many suspicious URLs going round to manually check every one to see if it's malicious....

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Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) from common link shorteners

Phishers love to use URL shorteners, but this can actually be a benefit for defenders too. Wouldn'...

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How to detect phishing websites in real-time using open source

The key to successfully combating phishing is detecting it early: the sooner you can report a phis...

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Detecting phishing sites with high-entropy strings

You'd expect phishing sites to be hard to detect and track, but actually, many of them contain HTM...

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Top 4 security vulnerabilities we see in phishing kits

Just like any other website, phishing sites can have security vulnerabilities. But, for once, thes...

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Flake IDs and insensitive ticketing systems

This week the IDs we use for identifying Phish Report cases got 20% longer, but twice as reliable....