The Phish Report Case page

One of the features of Phish Report is the Case Overview page, which provides a detailed view of the progress of a reported phishing site.

An example Case Overview page
An example Case Overview page

Accessing the Case Overview Page

To access the Case Overview page, log in to your Phish Report account and click the Reported Cases button next to your username. Find the phishing site you want to view and click on it.

The Case Overview Page

The Case Overview page provides you with a snapshot of the current status of the phishing site you reported. The page contains three main sections:

1. Phishing Site Details

The first section of the Case Overview page shows the details of the phishing site you reported, including a screenshot of the site as it was when you reported it. You will also see the current status of the site, including whether it's currently marked as malicious by Google Safe Browsing.

2. Case Timeline

The second section of the Case Overview page shows a timeline of the case, including an estimate of when the phishing site was created and a timeline of actions you or other reporters have taken. This timeline will provide you with an idea of what's happening with the phishing site.

3. Available Actions

The third section of the Case Overview page shows what further actions are available to take to get the phishing site taken down. This will include recommendations on next steps to be taken based on the current status of the phishing site.


The Case Overview page on Phish Report is a powerful tool that provides users with a detailed view of the progress of a reported phishing site. By accessing the Case Overview page, you can get a better idea of what's happening with the phishing site and what further actions are available to take to get it taken down. If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.