Report phishing to WebNIC

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Reporting a malicious website registered with WebNIC

WebNIC is a domain name registrar with IANA Registrar ID: 460.

Found a phishing site (or other fraudulent/malicious content) being hosted by WebNIC? The best way to report a URL to WebNIC is to send them an email at:

Who is WebNIC?

WebNIC is an internationally recognized B2B web service wholesaler focusing in domain names registration, web security solution and digital brand management. WebNIC is currently serving over 4500 resellers worldwide and is recognized as one of the Top ICANN Accredited Registrar.

WebNIC is a registrar supplying domain names in bulk with a lower price. This allows domain names to be sold by resellers at a higher price for profit. WebNIC has a strong portfolio of worldwide domain names, including the most commonly used gTLDs, popular New gTLDs and ccTLDs in Asia, Europe, America, Africa and Australia

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