Report phishing to DNSPod

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Reporting a malicious website registered with DNSPod

DNSPod is a domain name registrar with IANA Registrar IDs: 1697, 3858.

Found a phishing site (or other fraudulent/malicious content) being hosted by DNSPod? The best way to report a URL to DNSPod is to send them an email at:

Who is DNSPod?

DNSPod is a brand under Tencent Cloud, focusing on domain name and DNS services. DNSPod uses DNS as its core service to provide a one-stop solution for individuals and corporate users. Including domain name registration, DNS authoritative resolution, D monitoring, HTTPDNS, Public DNS, Private DNS and other professional services, as well as domain name transactions, SSL certificates, website registration, corporate mailboxes, website construction and other full-service services. Users can quickly complete brand digital construction here, and realize unified management and efficient scheduling of cloud resources. DNSPod has continued to provide uninterrupted services for 17 years. It has served 8 million+ users, accumulated 20 million+ domain names, and has 48 global cluster nodes. It has always insisted on providing users with safe, stable and fast services. The national DNS service platform is more trustworthy.

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